Anne Britt is a Board of Trustee Professor at Northern Illinois University. She is a cognitive psychologist researching disciplinary reading. She has published almost 100 journal articles and book chapters, and has co-authored or edited four books. Her work has been published in top-tier journals such as Discourse Processes, Cognition, Educational Psychologist, Journal of Memory and Language, and Learning & Instruction. Most recently she has published a book presenting a framework and model for understanding reading as a purposeful activity (RESOLV, Reading as Problem Solving). She has worked to understand how students represent and use texts, identifying malleable factors that can be supported by short tutorials. Britt has received multiple grants (about $6,400,000) related to disciplinary reading. She is the director of the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study Language and Literacy (CISLL) at NIU and currently a member of the governing board of the society.
2021 DSCA Winner: M. Anne Britt