Jane Oakhill is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Sussex, UK. In a research career spanning more than 40 years, she has worked on various research projects in cognitive psychology, but has always maintained a research interest in children’s reading comprehension (in particular, individual differences). Jane has published widely (including more than 100 refereed journal articles and numerous book chapters, and has co-authored or edited nine books). Her books in the area of reading and comprehension include: Becoming a Skilled Reader, with Alan Garnham, Children’s Problems in Text Comprehension, with Nicola Yuill, Reading Comprehension Difficulties: Processes and Remediation, with Cesare Cornoldi, Reading development and the teaching of reading: A psychological perspective, with Roger Beard, Children’s comprehension problems in oral and written language, with Kate Cain and, most recently, Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension with Kate Cain and Carsten Elbro. In 1991, she was awarded the British Psychological Society’s Spearman Medal for outstanding published work in the first decade of her career as a psychologist. More recently, Jane has won awards for research impact. Jane is an active member of the Society for Text and Discourse, and is currently a member of the governing board of the society, and of the editorial board of Discourse Processes. The ST&D 2019 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award Address will take place at 1:30-2:30 PM in Tishman Auditorium (U100).
2019 DSCA Winner: Jane Oakhill